SavorK® unlocks the potential of taste creation with koku, imparting a unique flavor that traditional umami ingredients simply cannot replicate. It provides a harmonious, mouthful satisfaction.
SavorK® does not alter even when added to foods like clear soup, snack seasoning, vegan cheese, and fish alternatives. Due to its bright color, SavorK® which comes in the form of a fine, bright yellow powder, is easily added to a variety of materials without changing the color of the finished product.
Taste Booster, Koku
A koku Solution Free From
Allergen & Yeast Extract
Recently, many consumers have shown an interest in making healthier choices, seeking non-GMO, allergen-free, and yeast-free products. SavorK® not only caters to the demand for All-worry-free living but also fulfills the taste objective of your product. In a time when consumer demands are increasing, and ingredient options are limited, SavorK® made from peas stands out as an allergen-free solution, crafted using Sempio’s unique fermentation technology without yeast extract.
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Taste Booster, Koku
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